Introducing FrameMaker 5.5

by Thomas Milton Albert


This introduction encourages you to use the documentation of Adobe FrameMaker 5.5, both in paper and online.
(Note: These screen shots are clear in FrameMaker, but become blurry when FrameMaker saves the document as HTML. You can avoid the problem by saving as PDF, but this requires that your reader have a PDF Viewer or a browser add-on. Quadralay WebWorks Publisher is a more powerful tool for HTML conversion of FrameMaker documents.)


Tags and Frames

Like HTML and SGML, FrameMaker uses tags. Each element in a document is a paragraph with a tag or a frame containing text and/or graphics. Form (paragraph tags and frames) and content (the words) together make up the document. FrameMaker's tagging provides flexibility for design. You can



Creating Tags

I create a custom "Procedure" tag for my step-by-step procedures.


My Procedure is Green bold

Body text follows Procedure automatically.


Custom Tag with a Bitmap

Fire Drill at Noon Today!


Reverse Text with a tag named Reverse

The Reverse tag has its Paragraph Designer Advanced tag set to the image frame named "ReveseRedGreen".

I set the next tag on the Basics tab to body, because I do not use two Reverse "attention" tags next to each other.

Cross-Reference Jumps

The list of Heading 1s below functions as this chapter's internal table of contents


I can also create cross-references to another chapter, as long as it is in the same directory. If the other chapters are in the same book, I can have consecutive pagination.



Everybody is familiar with body pages, the main part, or foreground, of the page.

If I insert an anchored frame into the body page, I can show you a graphic:



My IBM-compatible PC does not have all the fonts Adobe wants to me to purchase, so I do let Windows substitute other fonts.


I want a paragraph tag I call bodyNO-HYPH that suppresses hyphenation:




Beware: the Hyphenate check box has three states: Hyphenate, No Change, Don't Hyphenate.



Smart Spaces and Smart Quotes

Smart Spaces prevent you from accidentally having extra spaces between words


Smart Quotes add a touch of elegance and readability by differentiating between the beginning quote (") and the end quote (").




Chapter 2

Master Pages

Back in Chapter 1, I wanted the left or even-numbered pages to have a different look than the right or odd-numbered pages, so I created a new master page that I named "left".

and assigned the "left" master page to apply to even numbered-pages





Heading 2 test


The first page of my chapter has a chapter title, so I assigned "None" as its master page.


Running Headers

This chapter is long, so I want a running header on each page that tells the reader what the main idea is by showing the text of the Heading 1.

Creating A Running Header

Adobe's Help topic on "Creating running headers and footers" is a misnomber because it is conceptual and does not provide the implied steps.



Creating a Running Header
Choose to display the paragraph tag in the running header.


Type in the name of the tag you want to be the running header:



Runaround Text for Frames

For a journalistic touch, I want my text to wrap itself about certain frames. Here comes some filler text: this fine piece of art inspired by Picasso, Kandinsky, and Miro, evokes a geometrical balance whose equilibrium predicates itself upon the chronotonomatical restraint of a rigorous minimalist contextualization of morphological entities, vulgarly known as "shapes", to emblematize, allegory aside, a proto-mimetic encapsulation, embodied boldly by the rectiliarity of a restrained plethora of quadratic attributes densely angulated within an azur setting that totalizingly encompasses both the disciplined non-circularity of the quasi-circular self-connectedness in a hemoglobular-like tint, and the evocatively ethereal arching aspirations of a less substantial yet superior curvulatory accomodation depicted in a sobre cyanic tone.